The Ottawa Valley Button Club is a group of people with a passion for antique and vintage clothing buttons.

Since Covid, all meetings have been on Zoom only. Because we now have members across Canada and from the United States, we will continue to hold our meetings on Zoom and when possible the Ottawa members will meet in a hybrid situation, so everyone is able to participate at the same time.  Check the MEETINGS page on our website for the date, place and time of the next meeting.

OVBC is a not-for-profit club focused on learning about, preserving and displaying buttons as part of the joy of collecting them.  We offer a relaxed and non-competitive opportunity to get to know others with similar interests, to swap button stories, to network with those in other button clubs and to educate and teach ourselves about the history, art, fashion, socio-economics, workmanship and production of clothing buttons.  

To further this aim, the Club publishes an informative 28-page newsletter three times per year.  

Our annual membership fee is $ 20.00 CDN

If you would like to become a member and receive the OVBC newsletter three times per year:

1.    Send an email to providing your contact info  (name, mailing address, email address, phone number), then

2.    Mail your cheque for $20 payable to Ottawa Valley Button Club,                                   2286 Prospect Ave. , Ottawa ON   K1H 7G4.


       Use PayPal to 'SEND MONEY' to