What they are saying about Buttons: Keeping It Together!


Ottawa Buttoneers for the best Button Show EVER!!!!!

Right down to the smallest detail everything was beautifully done.

I am sure you can't believe it is over but the memories from this event will be be with us for a very long time.

The venue was excellent and having collectors from the east, west and south of the border was so much fun.

Please pass this message on to everyone on the team as I don't have everyone's email.

Best Regards, Carolyn Webb

Carolyn’s right – we really did put on a terrific show and I heard that we at least broke even, so that is even better!  Some of you may still be too pooped to read this until tomorrow but here is my take:

The best part was the camaraderie – we will always feel that much closer as ‘button buddies’ despite the distances between us – is that the greatest!!  And I think that the Ottawa public who attended were amazed and overwhelmed – so what could be better?

This show would NOT have happened with Micheline and Sue Dickout – the rest of us had our jobs but THEY are the pair that held it together.

Bravo to THEM first of all and THEN great pats on the back to Ariella and Sue Farrah for the best displays ever (even George was totally impressed!), to Evelyn and Terry Davies for the smooth competition process and all the work behind the scenes there, and to Linda Doyle and Sue Farrah for such a winning Ways and Means; to Evelyn Palmer and Linda Doyle for the bags that everyone loved,  and finally to Mich and Gilles and our donors for such a professional and well run auction –best I’ve been at, at a button show.

Thanks to the dealers who I now have such a great appreciation for – all the vendor displays were so interesting and different – not just buttons on cards but buttons in context!  And to Yessy and Diane Close for your great talks.   Diana Wieler’s button and ‘talk’ at breakfast was icing on the cake – Wow!

AND look at who all came from far and wide – that’s the great part. Put that way, YES, GIVE OURSELVES, FAR AND WIDE, a great pat on the back!!!!



"There's more to a button than meets the eye"... who said that was spot on.

The second Canadian Button Convention was a show to behold and to remember on so many levels. The Ottawa Valley Button Club pulled out all the stops and made us proud to be members. I think the secret is your ability to work as a team, always ready to be inclusive of what others have done. A prime example was the door prize, a beautiful doll, won by a beaming, Barb Crowther. It was impossible to learn the name of the maker with each person passing on the credit to others.

It's not just a "women's hobby" either. David Chambers certainly enjoyed his time looking at Melonie's buttons. He gathered an intriguing pile to be added to his collection. The last word here must go to a broad shouldered chap with a long braid adorned with beads, and a few buttons, who shared that buttons work better!!

Hello everyone!!!!!!

I want to echo what Carolyn said……what a fabulous button show!!!!!

I really enjoyed being at this show……the displays were absolutely wonderful….. informative, fascinating and so attractive.  the programs (well the other two anyway!) were great topics and I really regret missing them…..the competitions were great….  it was good to see so many entries!  I was also so impressed by the variety presented by the vendors….beautiful buttons, beautiful items, beautiful displays!  loved shopping there!

Overall, it really was a very good button show (and just the perfect stress reliever!).  I’m very glad I was able to attend……and very glad to meet old friends and make new friends.

The Ottawa club really deserves major kudos for a stellar job.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,

Yessy, Edmonton, Alberta