(Links will appear as you hover over words)
We have compiled a number of web links and references.
Button Shows and Excursions
The Club has organized trips to button shows each year. This is an excellent way to extend networks and further educate ourselves on the wonderful world of buttons. If there is a show that interests you, let us know and maybe we can car-pool or share rooms.
Button Links
- National Button Society - See the website for details. Membership for Canadians is $45 US. The Society holds several special events each year. National (in-person convention) is held in August. There are a scheduled online events including Spring and Fall Fests which include zoom programs for three days. Also all members are invited to the Button Room, Thursdays, 4:00-6:00 Eastern.
- North Eastern Region Button Association NERBA
- Button Country - a fantastic website for both newbies and experienced button collectors. Read all about it here and then explore . . . (NBS Website)
- Buttonbytes - Online Button Club. To join you must first register with Google. There is no fee. Then go to Buttonbytes homepage and click on "join this group" Wednesdays are called Wild Wednesdays and you can buy and sell buttons with the group. They also have an active Facebook page.
- World Button Association - The newest online button association with a mission to build a comprehensive online resource system and community for button collectors, scholars, enthusiasts, and the curious. Membership is $15US. The rich website is designed to provide many opportunities to learn.
Films, videos and research sites available on the Web
NOTE: These research sites change all the time - best to keep exploring and send us new links.
- Ohio State University Button Collection Button up, Button down
- Royal Alberta Museum - Blog/Buttons - This time learn more and with a Canadian connection.
- - Online button museum - this is one to be seen to be believed.
- Button history: a Visual tour of button design through the ages, Slate Magazine.
- Explore the National Pearl Button Museum @ the History and Industry Center.
- History: Button Factory Arts, in Waterloo, ON.
- Collecting Antique Picture Buttons Animal Theme
- Antique Button Collecting
- BBC Jeremy Nicholas & the Button Collector
- YouTube published in 2011. Button Madness – Just Part of My Button Collection
- Film JUST BUTTONS - aka BUTTON FACTORY - British Pathe Production.
- YouTube production telling the story of Kate Greenaway Buttons. This was produced in 2011. Kate Greenaway Buttons
- Tender Buttons Modern & Antique Buttons - New York - This store is now closed, but there is still a YouTube video that will interest you.
- Several YouTube videos all about buttons . . . Again, Poke about.
Canadian Clubs
- Pioneer Button Club Meets at Northminster United Church, 676 Simcoe Street North at Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario, For more information:
- There are two small groups in Manitoba. If you wish more information contact. Rita Wasney
- Edmonton Button Club/"Buttons are Fun" meets six times a year. The first Tuesday of September, November, January, March, May and July. Meetings are held at the Woodcroft Library in Westmount, Edmonton from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Contact: Diane Close,
[Check back often as we collect more resources]