About OVBC
The Ottawa Valley Button Club is a group of people with a passion for clothing buttons. Our interests cover a variety of buttons from antique and vintage to military to modern. Some members have extensive collections – even actual button rooms! Others join simply to learn more about buttons and their history, not necessarily collect them. Though based in Ottawa (Canada’s capital) we have several members in other parts of Canada and the U.S.
We meet eight or nine times per year – usually via ‘zoom’ – but two or three times will be an in-person get-together. Most meetings feature a program presentation relating to buttons. Topics can be buttons of a particular era, material, design, theme, etc. Of course, in-person meetings always include buying and selling of buttons!
Guests are always welcome.
The club publishes an informative 28-page newsletter three times a year, chock-full of colour photos and in-depth articles about buttons.
The Club is always happy to share its expertise by doing a presentation about buttons or button collecting for your organization or providing a button exhibit on a variety of themes for an event, a library or museum.
In 2017 the OVBC hosted a three-day button show and convention in
Ottawa. We enlisted enamel artist Diana Wieler to design a limited
edition ‘favour’ button for attendees. That button (1.5”/ 4 cm in diameter)
features a unique grey tweed enamel and glass cabochon ‘buttons’.
Diana then kindly granted permission for us to use that design as our
To learn more about becoming a member, visit our MEMBERSHIP page.
YOU CAN ALSO FIND US ON FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/OttawaButtonClub